Join Bongo
We'd like anyone to be able to contribute to Bongo. Where that contribution consists of code, graphics, documentation or some other form (particularly that which would be covered by copyright), we do ask that people formally state their agreement to the project contributor agreement. It isn't a formal contract, but does assure us that you're able to contribute, and is roughly a code of conduct for this project.
Those people who want to join the Gna! project will need to agree to this.
To agree to this, simply email Alex (home [at the domain] alexhudson [dot] com) that you agree to the following:
- All contributions to the project must be the original work of the contributor, or contributed on the behalf of an organisation who has previously undertaken this agreement. '''In particular, make sure your contributions cannot be claimed by your employer / University / other organisation!'''
- Contributions must be licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, with the version specified as "v2 or later".
- Commits to svn must be reviewed on -devel (or otherwise) by a member of the Core Development squad (as defined on the GNA! project page).
- Contributors should co-ordinate via and subscribe to the -devel list.
- Contributors are ambassadors of the project. Behave accordingly; Bongo is the world's most friendly project (in my estimation :).
- From time to time, the project will publish coding standards, documentation standards, and other contribution guidelines. Contributors should endeavour to follow them.
- You may revoke your agreement to this at any time; however, your contributions to that point cannot be revoked.
- Where this agreement is broken, or contributions were found to not be the original work of the contributor, the contributor may be removed from the project and/or have their previous contributions removed.